Step by Step Guide to Facilitator and Coaching Certification
When it comes to implementing the Trustworthy Selling program, you should rely heavily on those you have designated as your facilitators and coaches. Fortunately, we offer a comprehensive Facilitator Certification program that will equip your facilitators with the tools they need to communicate and coach their team through the Trustworthy Selling material.
In as little as eight hours, your facilitator can become certified in the Trustworthy Selling program. We’ve broken down the process in our six-step guide so you can follow along with your coaches every step of the way. We’ve also taken the liberty to lay out the basics here for your convenience.
The certification process covers everything from onboarding to classroom delivery, so it is important to tackle each step completely before moving on to the next. Take a look at the steps below and discover how we leverage meaningful learning to yield deeper relationships and measurable results.
Step 1: Preparation for Facilitator Certification
Here at HOOPIS, we are nothing if not prepared. The Trustworthy Selling program strives to elevate our training to the power of experience, and that begins with the way we prepare for projects like Facilitator Certification. Each facilitator-in-training will complete a Personality Style Profile (PSP) and then a Sales Booster Assessment. The results from these assessments will come in handy during later sessions.
We also recommend taking a gander at the Module 1, 2, and 3 overviews so that each facilitator candidate begins with a basic understanding of the content and foundational modules. This step focuses on what both the facilitator and the Trustworthy Selling program bring to the table.
Step 2: Facilitator Certification Onboarding Sessions
To effectively implement any program, everyone on your team must know their role. The purpose of Step 2 is to achieve precisely that. Facilitators-in-training will review the Trustworthy Selling core concepts, the tools used in delivering the turnkey program, and how to conduct a coaching session. All the while, they will be reminded of the role facilitators and coaches play in the implementation process.
The curriculum design of Trustworthy Selling enables participant learning and skill development from start to finish. After facilitator candidates complete each module, they must pass a Knowledge Check to prove their understanding. Candidates will also learn how to effectively and flexibly communicate what they’ve learned based on their PSP results.
Step 3: Preparation for Live Virtual Demonstration
In this step, facilitators-in-training will read the content and watch the videos associated with Modules 1, 2, and 3 in the Facilitator Guide. They will also become familiar with the Participant Guide materials that support these modules. Each facilitator candidate should be prepared to facilitate any of the content in these modules during their live demonstration.
Helpful hint: Facilitator candidates should take special care to identify the tools, resources, and information needed for their upcoming live demonstration.
Step 4: Live Virtual Demonstration
Now comes the time for facilitator candidates to show their stuff. With the help of a webcam and a sturdy internet connection, each facilitator-in-training will demonstrate their understanding of the Trustworthy Selling material.
Each presentation should begin with a Defining Identity Statement before diving into content from Modules 1, 2, and 3. These modules cover the following basic concepts:
Module 1: The Trustworthy Selling Approach
Module 2: Understanding Today’s Consumer
Module 3: Understanding and Adapting Your Selling Style
The coaching team and each facilitator candidates’ co-presenters will function as their participants and provide responses. The duration of each demo should be approximately 20 minutes. After each presentation has completed, the coaching team will provide feedback and tips as to how each candidate can improve their facilitation skills.
Facilitator Candidates must meet certification criteria to move on to Step 5. The coaches will determine whether each candidate is equipped to move on in the certification process
Step 5: Preparation for Classroom Delivery
Once a candidate has successfully completed your virtual demonstration, they are ready to prepare for classroom delivery. This entails completing Modules 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, and 10 in your Facilitator Guide. Each facilitator candidate should review the material until they are comfortable presenting and facilitating it in the classroom setting. The module topics include:
Module 4: Business Development Strategies
Module 5: Engagement Strategies
Module 6: Collaborative Discovery
Module 7: Gaining Commitment
Module 8: Deepening the Client Relationship
Module 9: Seller Psychology
Module 10: Trustworthy Selling Capstone
Step 6: Launch Trustworthy Selling Class
Congratulations! You’ve made it to the final step in our Facilitation Certification guide. It’s time to launch a class. Facilitators should use the Facilitator Resources section on the TSProgram website and keep in mind that our team is always standing by to offer assistance.
When you complete the Trustworthy Selling Facilitator Certification course, you come away with more than a certification. Our facilitators are equipped with the tools to empower and develop meaningful relationships with their participants. Facilitation of the Trustworthy Selling program is about more than a transaction. It’s about building lasting experiences.
Help your team enroll in our Facilitation Certification program to get the most out of the Trustworthy Selling program. Empower your distribution today.